Adult Scops Owl Otus scops. Picture by S. Fasano

Adult Scops Owl Otus scops. Picture by S. Fasano


Forty Scops Owls were captured during 24 days of banding, with an average capture rate of 1.67 owls/day (go to Table 1 for details).

The observed capture rate was found to be 16-28 times higher than the average capture rate reported for Italy in the same periods (see Table 2).

This experimental experience showed that it is possible to capture and band quite a number of owls with limited effort.

For instance, in April-May 2003 19 Scops Owls, representing 10-20 percent of the Scops Owls banded in Italy in a year, were captured in just five days of mist-netting.

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